Master JavaScript’s Latest Updates: A Guide to ES12 (ECMAScript 2021):

Master JavaScript’s Latest Updates: A Guide to ES12 (ECMAScript 2021):

Here are the key features introduced in ES12 (ECMAScript 2021), with detailed descriptions and examples:

1. Logical Assignment Operators:

  • ??= (Nullish Coalescing Assignment): Assigns a value only if the left-hand side is null or undefined.


let name = null;
name ??= "John"; // name becomes "John"
  • &&= (Logical AND Assignment): Assigns a value only if the left-hand side is truthy.


let enabled = true;
enabled &&= false; // enabled remains true
  • ||= (Logical OR Assignment): Assigns a value only if the left-hand side is falsy.


let message = "";
message ||= "Hello!"; // message becomes "Hello!"

2. String.prototype.replaceAll():

  • Replaces all occurrences of a substring with another substring.


const text = "Hello, world!";
const newText = text.replaceAll("o", "a"); // "Halla, warld!"

3. Numeric Separators:

  • Underscores (_) can be used to improve readability of large numbers.


const largeNumber = 123_456_789; // Same as 123456789

4. Promise.any():

  • Settles as soon as one of the provided Promises resolves, returning its value.


]).then(result => {
  // Handle the first resolved Promise's result

5. WeakRef:

  • Creates weak references to objects, allowing the garbage collector to reclaim them if no strong references exist.


const weakRef = new WeakRef(object);

6. FinalizationRegistry:

  • Notifies you when a weakly referenced object is about to be garbage collected.


const registry = new FinalizationRegistry((heldValue) => {
  // Callback when object is collected

7. AggregateError:

  • A new error type that groups multiple errors together.


const errors = [new Error("Error 1"), new Error("Error 2")];
throw new AggregateError(errors);

Note: These features continue JavaScript’s evolution towards more concise syntax, improved error handling, and better control over memory management.

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