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Category: Design Patterns

Master the Builder Design Pattern: Ultimate Guide for Efficient Design

Master the Builder Design Pattern: Ultimate Guide for Efficient Design

The builder design pattern is a creational pattern that facilitates the step-by-step construction of complex objects. It separates the object’s construction process from its representation. Here is the step by step guide to implement the builder design pattern. Step-by-Step Guide Example in ASP.NET Core Context Let’s create an example where we use the builder design pattern to construct a complex User object in an ASP.NET Core application. 1. Define the Product 2. Create the Builder Interface 3. Implement Concrete Builder…

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How to Implement the Null Object Design Pattern in .NET Core

How to Implement the Null Object Design Pattern in .NET Core

The Null Object Design Pattern is a behavioral design pattern that provides a default object as a surrogate for the absence of a value or object, avoiding the need to check for null values. In the context of .NET Core, this pattern can be especially useful for avoiding null reference exceptions and simplifying code. Implementation Steps 1. Define an Interface or Abstract Class Start by defining an interface or abstract class that the real object and the null object will…

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