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Category: API

Automate API Tests: Step-by-Step Guide Using Postman Postbot

Automate API Tests: Step-by-Step Guide Using Postman Postbot

Generating API tests automatically using AI can significantly streamline the process of ensuring your APIs work as intended. Below is a step-by-step guide to achieve this, assuming you have some basic understanding of APIs and testing frameworks. Step 1: Sign Up and Set Up Postboat Step 2: Import Your API Documentation Step 3: Generate Initial Tests Step 4: Review and Customize Tests Step 5: Organize Tests Step 6: Set Up Environment Variables Step 7: Automate Test Execution Step 8: Monitor…

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How to Secure Your Web API: Best Practices

How to Secure Your Web API: Best Practices

Web API security refers to the measures and protocols implemented to protect web applications and services from various threats and vulnerabilities. It involves safeguarding data, user interactions, and the overall integrity of web applications from cyber attacks, unauthorized access, and data breaches. Securing a Web API involves multiple layers of protection and best practices to ensure data confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Here are detailed methods to secure your Web API: 1. Authentication and Authorization Authentication ensures that only legitimate users…

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RESTful vs gRPC :Choosing the Right API Protocol

RESTful vs gRPC :Choosing the Right API Protocol

RESTful vs gRPC (REST: Representational State Transfer and gRPC: gRPC Remote Procedure Call) are both popular ways to design APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) for communication between applications. However, they have distinct approaches and are suited to different use cases. Let’s delve into their key differences: 1. Communication Model REST: gRPC: 2. Performance REST: gRPC: 3. Development Complexity REST: gRPC: 4. Use Cases REST: gRPC: 5. Streaming Support REST: gRPC: 6. Security REST: gRPC: 7. Compatibility and Ecosystem REST: gRPC: 8….

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