Abstract vs. Interface? Know the When & Why

Abstract vs. Interface? Know the When & Why

Abstract classes and interfaces are both fundamental concepts in object-oriented programming that promote code reusability and flexibility. However, they serve distinct purposes:

Abstract Classes:


  • Serve as blueprints for derived classes, defining a common foundation.
  • Enforce implementation of specific behaviors through abstract methods.
  • Offer shared functionality through concrete methods (optional).

Key Features:

  • Can contain both abstract and concrete methods.
  • Can have constructors and access modifiers (public, private, protected).
  • Can hold fields and properties.expand_more
  • Classes can only inherit from one abstract class directly.exclamation



public abstract class Animal
    public abstract void MakeSound(); // Abstract method (must be implemented)
    public virtual void Eat() // Concrete method (can be overridden)
        Console.WriteLine("The animal is eating.");



  • Define contracts that classes must adhere to, ensuring consistency.
  • Specify a set of functionalities that implementing classes must provide.

Key Features:

  • Only contain abstract methods (no implementation).
  • Cannot have constructors, fields, or properties.
  • Classes can implement multiple interfaces.expand_more



public interface IShape
    double CalculateArea(); // Abstract method

Key Differences Summary:

FeatureAbstract ClassInterface
PurposeBlueprint for inheritanceContract for behavior
MethodsAbstract and concreteAbstract only
InheritanceSingle inheritanceMultiple inheritance
ConstructorsCan have constructorsNo constructors
Fields/PropertiesCan have fields and propertiesNo fields or properties

When to Use Which:

Abstract Classes:

  • When you need to establish a common base for related classes with shared functionality.
  • When you want to control implementation details for some methods while allowing flexibility for others.


  • When you want to define a contract across unrelated classes that share specific behaviors.
  • When you need loose coupling and flexibility in class design.
  • When classes need to adhere to multiple contracts (multiple interface implementation).

Choosing Between Abstract Class and Interface:

  • Use an abstract class when you want to define a base class with shared functionalities (concrete methods) and force derived classes to implement specific behaviors (abstract methods).
  • Use an interface when you want to define a set of functionalities that various unrelated classes can implement independently.

By understanding these distinctions, you can effectively leverage abstract classes and interfaces to create more robust, reusable, and maintainable object-oriented code in C#.

Here are some helpful resources related to the differences between abstract classes and interfaces in C#, including both explanations and examples:

Official Microsoft Documentation:

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