I’m encountering a problem when operating my Flutter undertaking on iOS. The construct fails with the error
[!] No podspec discovered for ‘flutter_meta_sdk_flutter’ in ‘.symlinks/plugins/flutter_meta_sdk_flutter/ios’.
– Undertaking works on android**
I not too long ago added the flutter_meta_sdk_flutter plugin to my Flutter undertaking to combine Fb’s Meta SDK. Every little thing works effective on Android, however once I try to run the undertaking on iOS, the construct course of fails with a podspec error associated to the flutter_meta_sdk_flutter plugin.
Tried Options:
pod set up –repo-update output:
1. Cleaned the Flutter undertaking:
• Ran flutter clear
• Reinstalled dependencies utilizing flutter pub get
2. Rebuilt iOS-specific code:
• Deleted Podfile.lock and Pods/
• Ran pod deintegrate
• Reinstalled pods utilizing pod set up --repo-update
3. Verified the plugin: Checked the plugin’s documentation on to make sure it helps iOS, however couldn’t discover particular data associated to iOS help.
4. Manually linked the plugin within the Podfile:
• Added pod 'flutter_meta_sdk_flutter', :path => '.symlinks/plugins/flutter_meta_sdk_flutter/ios' to the Podfile.
• Reinstalled pods, however the error persists.
Extra Data:
• Flutter Model: 3.24.1
• iOS Deployment Goal: 17.5.1
• Xcode Model: 15.4
• Plugin Model: flutter_meta_sdk_flutter: ^1.0.5
identify: app
description: "DESCRIPTION"
publish_to: 'none'
model: 7.7.9+7036
sdk: '>=3.4.0 <4.0.0'
sdk: flutter
app_tracking_transparency: ^2.0.6
awesome_notifications: ^0.9.3+1
badges: ^3.1.2
cupertino_icons: ^1.0.8
cached_network_image: ^3.4.0
carousel_slider: ^5.0.0
crypto: ^3.0.5
device_info_plus: ^10.1.2
dio: ^5.6.0
flutter_easyloading: ^3.0.5
font_awesome_flutter: ^10.7.0
firebase_auth: ^5.1.4
firebase_analytics: ^11.2.1
ref: grasp # department identify
firebase_core: ^3.3.0
flutter_credit_card: ^4.0.1
firebase_dynamic_links: ^6.0.4
#TODO remmber to examine tabby model earlier than updating this pacakge to newer variations
flutter_inappwebview: ^5.8.0 #downgraded due to tabby package deal constraints ^1.5.0
flutter_local_notifications: ^17.2.2
firebase_messaging: ^15.0.4
flutter_phoenix: ^1.1.1
flutter_rating_bar: ^4.0.1
flutter_secure_storage: ^9.2.2
flutter_widget_from_html: ^0.15.1
pay: ^2.0.0
get: ^4.6.6
get_storage: ^2.1.1
google_sign_in: ^6.2.1
http: ^1.2.2
path_provider: ^2.1.4
permission_handler: ^11.3.1
persistent_bottom_nav_bar_v2: ^5.3.0
retry: ^3.1.2
selection_menu: ^2.0.2
shared_preferences: ^2.3.2
shimmer: ^3.0.0
sign_in_with_apple: ^6.1.1
url_launcher: ^6.3.0
webview_flutter: ^4.8.0
icons_launcher: ^3.0.0-beta.3
tabby_flutter_inapp_sdk: ^1.5.0
phone_form_field: ^9.2.5
sentry_flutter: ^8.7.0
in_app_review: ^2.0.9
is_first_run_plus: ^1.1.0
jiffy: ^6.3.1
sdk: flutter
flutter_lints: ^4.0.0
sentry_dart_plugin: ^2.1.0
I’m not sure if this problem is as a result of plugin not supporting iOS (which I doubt), an incorrect setup on my aspect, or one thing else.
How can I resolve this problem and efficiently run my Flutter undertaking on iOS?