I’ve a decoding take a look at of a knowledge mannequin that runs tremendous and with out errors in Xcode however within the server fails and I can not discover the trigger, are you able to give me a hand if somebody is aware of how I can establish/clear up the failure on the server? I connect the picture of the log of the CI assessments the place you’ll be able to see the error and the code in query.
I admire upfront any opinion on this matter. Thanks!
inner struct SFBConfigModel: Codable {
var config: SFBIntervalModel
var binding: SFBBindingModel?
non-public enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case config
case binding
config: SFBIntervalModel,
binding: SFBBindingModel?
) {
self.config = config
self.binding = binding
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = attempt decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
// Searches for the config worth which LocalStorage can assist.
self.config = attempt container.decode(SFBIntervalModel.self, forKey: .config)
if let binding = attempt? container.decode(SFBBindingModel.self, forKey: .binding) {
self.binding = binding
El take a look at:
context("when creating the mannequin with a invalid json") {
it("then you definitely get a decode error") {
// Given
let JSONData = """
"config": {
"interval_time_in_minutes": "thisIsAnUnexpectedTypeOfValue"
"binding": {
"seed": "thisIsOtherFakeSeed",
"device_id": "thisIsOtherFakeDeviceID"
""".knowledge(utilizing: .utf8)!
let decoder = JSONDecoderMock()
var mannequin: SFBConfigModel!
do {
// When
mannequin = attempt decoder.decode(
from: JSONData
} catch {
// Then
count on("(error)").to(comprise("JSONDecoderErrorDomainMock"))
non-public class JSONDecoderMock: JSONDecoder {
var decodeCalled = false
override func decode(_ kind: T.Kind, from knowledge: Knowledge) throws -> T the place T : Decodable {
decodeCalled = true
throw NSError(area: "JSONDecoderErrorDomainMock", code: -1, userInfo: nil)
Picture of the error on the server that doesn’t happen regionally:
I’ve modified the way in which of decoding, I added a mock however the error persists despite the fact that it doesn’t play regionally.