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swift – How you can implement a CoreML mannequin into an iOS app correctly?

I’m engaged on a lung most cancers scanning app for iOS with a CoreML mannequin and after I take a look at my app on a bodily gadget, the mannequin ends in the identical prediction 100% of the time. I even modified the names round and nonetheless resulted in the identical case. I’ve listed my labels in instances and when its simply caught on the identical case (case 1)

My code is under:

import SwiftUI
import UIKit
import CoreML
import FirebaseAuth
import Firebase
import FirebaseFirestore
import Basis

let firestoreManager = AppDelegate()
struct ConditionsListView: View {
    let circumstances: [String]
    @Binding var showConditions: Bool
    var physique: some View {
          NavigationView {
              VStack {
                  Textual content("App is 99% correct in diagnosing these circumstances. This isn't a complete record of all abnormalities.n")
                      .padding(.horizontal, 15)
                      .padding(.backside, 3)
                  Checklist(circumstances, id: .self) { situation in
                      Textual content(situation)
              .navigationTitle("Educated Circumstances")
              .toolbar {
                  ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarLeading) {
                      Button(motion: {
                          showConditions = false
                      }) {
                          Picture(systemName: "xmark")
              .background(Coloration(hex: colorPalette[0]))

struct ImagePicker: UIViewControllerRepresentable {
    class Coordinator: NSObject, UINavigationControllerDelegate, UIImagePickerControllerDelegate {
        var dad or mum: ImagePicker
        init(dad or mum: ImagePicker) {
            self.dad or mum = dad or mum
        func imagePickerController(_ picker: UIImagePickerController, didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo information: [UIImagePickerController.InfoKey : Any]) {
            if let picture = information[.originalImage] as? UIImage {
                dad or mum.selectedImage = picture
            dad or mum.presentationMode.wrappedValue.dismiss()
        func imagePickerControllerDidCancel(_ picker: UIImagePickerController) {
            dad or mum.presentationMode.wrappedValue.dismiss()
    @Binding var selectedImage: UIImage?
    @Setting(.presentationMode) var presentationMode
    func makeCoordinator() -> Coordinator {
        Coordinator(dad or mum: self)
    func makeUIViewController(context: Context) -> UIImagePickerController {
        let imagePicker = UIImagePickerController()
        imagePicker.sourceType = .digital camera
        imagePicker.delegate = context.coordinator
        return imagePicker
    func updateUIViewController(_ uiViewController: UIImagePickerController, context: Context) {}

struct BodyImageView: View {
    @Binding var showImagePicker: Bool
    @Binding var selectedLocation: String?
    @Binding var showPopup: Bool
     let bodyAreas = [
        //(label: "Torso", rect: CGRect(x: 140, y: 110, width: 80, height: 170)),
        //(label: "Head/Shoulders", rect: CGRect(x: 100, y: 0, width: 170, height: 100)),
        //(label: "Right Arm", rect: CGRect(x: 220, y: 90, width: 60, height: 220)),
        //(label: "Left Arm", rect: CGRect(x: 80, y: 90, width: 60, height: 220)),
        (label: "Right Lung", rect: CGRect(x: 180, y: 250, width: 50, height: 260)),
        (label: "Left Lung", rect: CGRect(x: 100, y: 250, width: 50, height: 260))
    var physique: some View {
        VStack {
            ZStack {
                    .body(maxWidth: 300, maxHeight: 500)
                    .padding(.backside, 5)
                        DragGesture(minimumDistance: 0)
                            .onEnded { worth in
                                let tapLocation = worth.location
                                if let space = checkIfInsideOutlinedArea(location: tapLocation) {
                                    selectedLocation = space
                ForEach(bodyAreas, id: .label) { space in
                    RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10)
                        .stroke(Coloration.purple, lineWidth: 2)
                        .body(width: space.rect.width, peak: space.rect.peak)
                        .place(x: space.rect.midX, y: space.rect.midY)
            HStack {
                if let location = selectedLocation {
                    //Textual content("nn")
                    ZStack {
                            .fill(Coloration(hex: colorPalette[0]))
                            .body(width: 230, peak: 60)
                        Textual content("Chosen: (location)")
                } else {
                    ZStack {
                            .fill(Coloration(hex: colorPalette[0]))
                            .body(width: 230, peak: 60)
                        Textual content("Chosen: ")
                Button(motion: {
                        showPopup = true
                    }) {
                        Picture(systemName: "digital camera.fill")
                            .body(width: 30, peak: 24)
                            .background(Coloration(hex: colorPalette[2]))
                    .sheet(isPresented: $showPopup) {
                        ZStack {
                            VStack(spacing: 20) {
                                Textual content("Take a transparent image with the CT Scan **centered** and **in focus**. Maintain the telephone 90 levels to the scan.")
                                    .body(maxWidth: .infinity)
                                Textual content("If a **non-scan picture** is submitted, the outcomes are usually not relevant.")
                                    .body(maxWidth: .infinity)
                                Button(motion: {
                                    showPopup = false
                                    showImagePicker = true
                                }) {
                                    Picture(systemName: "xmark")
                                        .foregroundColor(Coloration(hex: colorPalette[4]))
                            .background(Coloration(hex: colorPalette[4]))
                            .shadow(radius: 15)
                            .body(width: 320)
                    if showImagePicker {
                        ImagePicker(selectedImage: .fixed(nil))
    non-public func checkIfInsideOutlinedArea(location: CGPoint) -> String? {
        for space in bodyAreas {
            if space.rect.incorporates(location) {
                return space.label
        return nil
struct SecondView: View {
    @State non-public var showImagePicker = false
    @State non-public var picture: UIImage?
    @State non-public var firstName = ""
    @State non-public var lastName = ""
    @State non-public var area = ""
    @State non-public var showForm = false
    @State non-public var predictionResult: String?
    @State non-public var diagResult: Int?
    @State non-public var diagResultString: String?
    @State non-public var documentID: String? = nil
    @State non-public var outcome: String?
    @State non-public var selectedLocation: String?
    @State non-public var showPopup = false
    @State non-public var showAlert = false
    @State non-public var alertMessage = ""
    non-public let circumstances = [
        "Large Cell Carcinoma"
,            "Adenocarcinoma"
,           "Squamous Cell Carcinoma"

    non-public let riskClassifier: RiskClassifier = {
        do {
            let configuration = MLModelConfiguration()
            return strive RiskClassifier(configuration: configuration)
        } catch {
            fatalError("Could not load RiskClassifier mannequin: (error)")
    non-public let riskClassifier: LungAI_image_input = {
        do {
            let configuration = MLModelConfiguration()
            return strive LungAI_image_input(configuration: configuration)
        } catch {
            fatalError("Could not load LungAI mannequin: (error)")
    non-public let diagnoser: Diagnoser = {
        do {
            let configuration = MLModelConfiguration()
            return strive Diagnoser(configuration: configuration)
        } catch {
            fatalError("Could not load Diagnoser mannequin: (error)")
    var physique: some View {
        ScrollView {
            HStack {
                VStack {
                    if let picture = picture {
                    } else {
                        //Textual content("nTap the physique half being scanned, then click on the pink digital camera icon.n")
                           // .multilineTextAlignment(.middle)
                            //.padding(.horizontal, 12)
                        //BodyImageView(showImagePicker: $showImagePicker, selectedLocation: $selectedLocation, showPopup: $showPopup)
                        BodyImageView(showImagePicker: $showImagePicker, selectedLocation: $selectedLocation, showPopup: $showPopup)
                    VStack {
                        if let outcome = predictionResult, let prognosis = diagResultString {
                            ZStack {
                                VStack {
                                    HStack(spacing: 10) {
                                        ZStack {
                                            VStack {
                                                Textual content("Prediction:")
                                                    .padding(.prime, 10)
                                                Textual content("(outcome)")
                                                Button(motion: {
                                                    if outcome.lowercased() == "regular" {
                                                        showAlert(message: "Regular signifies that the situation will not be cancerous.")
                                                    } else if outcome.lowercased() == "large_cell_carcinoma" {
                                                        showAlert(message: "Giant Cell Carcinoma signifies that the situation is dangerous and is cancerous.")
                                                    } else if outcome.lowercased() == "Lung_adenocarcinoma" {
                                                        showAlert(message: "Adenocarcinoma signifies that the situation is dangerous and is cancerous.")
                                                    } else if outcome.lowercased() == "Lung squamous_cell_carcinoma" {
                                                        showAlert(message: "Squamous Cell Carcinoma signifies that the situation is dangerous and is cancerous.")
                                                }) {
                                                       Picture(systemName: "questionmark.circle.fill")
                                                   .padding(.prime, 1)
                                            .body(width: 170, peak: 200)
                                                    gradient: Gradient(colours: [
                                                        Color(hex: colorPalette[0]).opacity(0.6),
                                                        Coloration(hex: colorPalette[1]).opacity(1.4)
                                                    startPoint: .topLeading,
                                                    endPoint: .bottomTrailing
                                            .shadow(radius: 2)
                                            .padding(.prime, 40)
                                        ZStack {
                                            VStack {
                                                Textual content("Analysis:")
                                                    .padding(.prime, 10)
                                                Textual content("(prognosis)")
                                                Button(motion: {
                                                       if prognosis.lowercased() == "regular" {
                                                           showAlert(message: "You are most certainly wholesome.")
                                                       } else {
                                                           showAlert(message: "Study extra about your prognosis by asking the Detect to Shield Radiologist within the Chat tab.")
                                                   }) {
                                                       Picture(systemName: "questionmark.circle.fill")
                                                  // .padding(.prime, 5)
                                            .body(width: 170, peak: 200)
                                                    gradient: Gradient(colours: [
                                                        Color(hex: colorPalette[2]).opacity(0.8),
                                                        Coloration(hex: colorPalette[3]).opacity(1.3)
                                                    startPoint: .topLeading,
                                                    endPoint: .bottomTrailing
                                            .shadow(radius: 2)
                                            .padding(.prime, 40)
                                    .padding(.horizontal, 20)
                                    .padding(.prime, 10)
                                    HStack(spacing: 10) {
                                        VStack {
                                            ZStack {
                                                Textual content("This isn't an alternative to medical recommendation. Please see a licensed doctor for an extra prognosis.")
                                                    .padding(.vertical, 15)
                                                    .padding(.horizontal, 15)
                                            .body(width: 170, peak: 250)
                                                    gradient: Gradient(colours: [
                                                        Color(hex: colorPalette[4]).opacity(0.64),
                                                        Coloration(hex: colorPalette[4]).opacity(1.6)
                                                    startPoint: .topLeading,
                                                    endPoint: .bottomTrailing
                                        VStack {
                                            ZStack {
                                                Picture(uiImage: picture!)
                                                    .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fill)
                                                    .body(width: 170, peak: 250)
                                    .padding(.backside, 20)
                                    Button(motion: {
                                    }) {
                                        Textual content("Scan Once more")
                                            .padding(.horizontal, 30)
                                            .padding(.vertical, 10)
                                            .background(Coloration(hex: colorPalette[5]))
                                .padding(.horizontal, 20)
                                .padding(.prime, 5)
                    .sheet(isPresented: $showImagePicker) {
                        ImagePicker(selectedImage: $picture)
                    .alert(isPresented: $showAlert) {
                        Alert(title: Textual content("Study Extra"), message: Textual content(alertMessage), dismissButton: .default(Textual content("OK")))
                    .onChange(of: picture) { oldValue, newImage in
                        if let picture = newImage {
                            predictImage(picture: picture)
    non-public func resetView() {
           picture = nil
           predictionResult = nil
           diagResult = nil
           diagResultString = nil
           documentID = nil
           outcome = nil
           selectedLocation = nil
           showForm = false
    func showAlert(message: String) {
        alertMessage = message
        showAlert = true
    non-public func predictImage(picture: UIImage) {
        let currentLocation = selectedLocation

        guard let pixelBuffer = picture.toCVPixelBuffer() else {
            print("Did not convert picture to pixel buffer")

        DispatchQueue.world(qos: .userInitiated).async {
            do {
                let riskPrediction = strive self.riskClassifier.prediction(conv2d_input: pixelBuffer)

                // Entry the output utilizing the proper title: "Id"
                let riskLogits = riskPrediction.Id
                let riskProbabilities = self.softmaxFloat32(riskLogits)
                let predictedRiskClass = riskProbabilities.argmax()
                let riskResult: String

                // Assuming your lessons are ordered: 0, 1, 2, 3
                change predictedRiskClass {
                case 0:
                    riskResult = "Lung_adenocarcinoma"
                case 1:
                    riskResult = "Lung squamous_cell_carcinoma"
                case 2:
                    riskResult = "Lung_benign_tissue"
                case 3:
                    riskResult = "large_cell_carcinoma"
                    riskResult = "Unknown"

                var diagResultValue: Int? = nil
                var diagResultStringValue: String = "Analysis not obtainable"

                // ... (remainder of your code to course of prognosis and replace UI)
                DispatchQueue.principal.async {
                    self.predictionResult = riskResult;
                    self.outcome = riskResult;
                    self.diagResult = diagResultValue;
                    self.diagResultString = diagResultStringValue;

            } catch {
                print("Prediction error: (error.localizedDescription)")
                DispatchQueue.principal.async {
                    self.predictionResult = "Prediction failed"
                    self.diagResult = 0

    // Perform to calculate softmax for Float32 MLMultiArray
    non-public func softmaxFloat32(_ logits: MLMultiArray) -> [Float32] {
        let values = (0.. [Float32] {
        guard let array = output as? MLMultiArray else {
            print("Did not solid output to MLMultiArray")
            return []
        return (0.. UIImage? {
        let fileManager = FileManager.default
        guard fileManager.fileExists(atPath: path) else {
            print("File doesn't exist at path: (path)")
            return nil
        return UIImage(contentsOfFile: path)

extension Array the place Component == Double {
    func argmax() -> Int {
        guard !isEmpty else { return -1 }
        return self.enumerated().max(by: { $0.factor < $1.factor })?.offset ?? 0
extension Array the place Component == Float32 {
    func argmax() -> Int {
        guard !isEmpty else { return -1 }
        return self.enumerated().max(by: { $0.factor < $1.factor })?.offset ?? 0

extension MLMultiArray {
    func argmax() -> Int {
        var maxIndex = 0
        var maxValue = self[0].doubleValue
        for i in 1.. maxValue {
                maxIndex = i
                maxValue = currentValue
        return maxIndex

extension UIImage {
    func toCVPixelBuffer() -> CVPixelBuffer? {
        let targetSize = CGSize(width: 224, peak: 224)
        UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(targetSize, false, 1.0)
        draw(in: CGRect(origin: .zero, measurement: targetSize))
        let resizedImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
        guard let cgImage = resizedImage?.cgImage else {
            print("Did not get CGImage from resized UIImage")
            return nil
        let choices: [CFString: Any] = [
            kCVPixelBufferCGImageCompatibilityKey: true,
            kCVPixelBufferCGBitmapContextCompatibilityKey: true
        var pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer?
        let standing = CVPixelBufferCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, Int(targetSize.width), Int(targetSize.peak), kCVPixelFormatType_32ARGB, choices as CFDictionary, &pixelBuffer)
        guard standing == kCVReturnSuccess, let buffer = pixelBuffer else {
            print("Did not create pixel buffer, standing: (standing)")
            return nil
        CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress(buffer, .init(rawValue: 0))
        let pixelaData = CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress(buffer)
        let rgbColorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB()
        let context = CGContext(knowledge: pixelaData,
                                width: Int(targetSize.width),
                                peak: Int(targetSize.peak),
                                bitsPerComponent: 8,
                                bytesPerRow: CVPixelBufferGetBytesPerRow(buffer),
                                house: rgbColorSpace,
                                bitmapInfo: CGImageAlphaInfo.premultipliedFirst.rawValue)
        context?.draw(cgImage, in: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: targetSize.width, peak: targetSize.peak))
        CVPixelBufferUnlockBaseAddress(buffer, .init(rawValue: 0))
        return buffer
#Preview {
        .previewDevice("iPhone 15 Professional")

Malicious AI Instruments See 200% Surge as ChatGPT Jailbreaking Talks Improve by 52%


The cybersecurity panorama in 2024 witnessed a big escalation in AI-related threats, with malicious actors more and more concentrating on and exploiting giant language fashions (LLMs).

In accordance with KELA’s annual “State of Cybercrime” report, discussions about exploiting fashionable LLMs equivalent to ChatGPT, Copilot, and Gemini surged by 94% in comparison with the earlier yr.

Jailbreaking Strategies Proliferate on Underground Boards

Cybercriminals have been actively sharing and growing new jailbreaking strategies on underground boards, with devoted sections rising on platforms like HackForums and XSS.

These strategies purpose to bypass the built-in security limitations of LLMs, enabling the creation of malicious content material equivalent to phishing emails and malware code.

Probably the most efficient jailbreaking strategies recognized by KELA was phrase transformation, which efficiently bypassed 27% of security exams.

This method includes changing delicate phrases with synonyms or splitting them into substrings to evade detection.

Large Improve in Compromised LLM Accounts

The report revealed a staggering rise within the variety of compromised accounts for fashionable LLM platforms.

ChatGPT noticed an alarming enhance from 154,000 compromised accounts in 2023 to three million in 2024, representing a development of practically 1,850%.

Equally, Gemini (previously Bard) skilled a surge from 12,000 to 174,000 compromised accounts, a 1,350% enhance.

These compromised credentials, obtained by means of infostealer malware, pose a big danger as they are often leveraged for additional abuse of LLMs and related companies.

As LLM applied sciences proceed to achieve reputation and integration throughout varied platforms, KELA anticipates the emergence of recent assault surfaces in 2025.

Immediate injection is recognized as one of the vital crucial threats towards generative AI functions, whereas agentic AI, able to autonomous actions and decision-making, presents a novel assault vector.

The report emphasizes the necessity for organizations to implement sturdy safety measures, together with safe LLM integrations, superior deepfake detection applied sciences, and complete person training on AI-related threats.

As the road between cybercrime and state-sponsored actions continues to blur, proactive risk intelligence and adaptive protection methods might be essential in mitigating the evolving dangers posed by AI-powered cyber threats.

Examine Actual-World Malicious Hyperlinks & Phishing Assaults With Risk Intelligence Lookup – Strive for Free

The Huge Image: Land Gross sales within the US and Texas

Land gross sales throughout the US have been on the rise in recent times as a consequence of curiosity in rural residing, funding diversification and sustainable growth. In 2023 alone, over 2 million acres of rural land had been offered within the US, with Texas main the best way for quantity and greenback worth.

Why Texas?

  • No state earnings tax attracts companies and people.
  • Decrease price of residing than coastal states.
  • Cultural enchantment with a mixture of Western heritage, music and meals.
  • Good local weather for farming, homesteading and photo voltaic.
  • Landowner rights are among the strongest within the nation.

Current Enterprise and Land Gross sales

In keeping with the Texas Actual Property Analysis Middle:

  • Over $3.2 billion in rural land gross sales in 2023.
  • Over 7,500 land transactions in Texas alone.
  • The typical dimension of a land sale decreased barely, indicating extra curiosity in smaller tracts for private use like homesteads, interest farms or retreats.

What’s it used for?

Texas land consumers are utilizing the land for:

  • Agriculture: Cattle ranching, hay manufacturing and crop farming.
  • Recreation: Searching, fishing and weekend retreats.
  • Homesteading: Off-grid or minimalist rural residing.
  • Funding: Long run land banking or future resale.
  • Eco-Initiatives: Photo voltaic farms, regenerative agriculture or conservation.

This pattern isn’t just about financial optimism however a deeper want for independence, sustainability and connection to nature.

Why Texas Land for Sale is in Excessive Demand

Texas has turn into one of the crucial sought-after states for land consumers in recent times. With a booming inhabitants, pro-business atmosphere, no state earnings tax, and huge geographic variety, Texas presents distinctive alternatives for residential, agricultural, and funding functions.

Key Stats:

  • Texas has over 171 million acres of land.
  • The state leads the U.S. in whole farms and ranches—roughly 248,000 in 2023.
  • In keeping with the Texas Actual Property Analysis Middle, the common value per acre rose over 9% in 2022, reaching $4,286 per acre statewide.

Whether or not you’re in search of open pastureland, wooded retreat acreage, or farmland with water rights, there’s one thing for everybody in Texas. For instance, for those who’re taking a look at Texas land on the market, contemplate properties with pure water sources, wholesome soil, and loads of timber. Consumers right now aren’t simply on the lookout for area—they need land that helps eco-friendly residing. Inexperienced properties, natural farming, and photo voltaic power are only a few issues that make land extra priceless.

Land Sustainable in Texas

What Makes Land Sustainable in Texas?

Sustainable land isn’t nearly having timber and filth. It’s about supporting long-term ecological well being whereas sustaining financial viability. In Texas, sustainable land usually contains:

  1. Wholesome Soil
  • East Texas presents loamy soil superb for farming.
  • Central Texas has wealthy blackland prairie soils nice for each grazing and crops.
  1. Water Entry
  • Search for land with ponds, creeks, or entry to aquifers just like the Edwards or Ogallala.
  • Water rights are vital—examine Texas Fee on Environmental High quality (TCEQ) data.
  1. Vegetative Cowl
  • Timber like oak, pecan, and cedar help biodiversity.
  • Native grasslands assist scale back erosion and regenerate naturally.
  1. Eco-Pleasant Options
  • Photo voltaic publicity, wind potential, and proximity to conservation corridors enhance sustainability.

Investing in sustainable land not solely helps the atmosphere however may additionally enhance long-term property worth.

High Locations in Texas to Purchase Eco-Pleasant Land

Some areas in Texas are particularly standard for sustainable land purchases:

  1. Texas Hill Nation
  • Identified for rolling terrain and comes.
  • In style areas: Fredericksburg, Kerrville, and Dripping Springs.
  1. East Texas Piney Woods
  • Wealthy in timber, water, and fertile soil.
  • Best for homesteading and permaculture.
  1. West Texas Desert & Mountain Areas
  • Nice photo voltaic publicity, low humidity.
  • In style for off-grid residing.
  1. Central Texas Blackland Prairie
  • Wonderful for regenerative farming and grazing.

Bonus Tip: Use Texas A&M AgriLife Extension maps to establish ecoregions and soil varieties.

How A lot Does Texas Land Value?

Costs fluctuate considerably relying on location, dimension, and entry. Right here’s a fast comparability:

Area Common Value per Acre (2024) Widespread Land Sort
East Texas $6,500 Timberland, Farmland
Central Texas $7,800 Ranches, Residential
Texas Hill Nation $9,200 Leisure, Scenic Views
West Texas $1,500 Uncooked, Off-grid Desert
South Texas Plains $3,200 Searching, Agriculture

Observe: Costs are estimates and may fluctuate based mostly on facilities like street entry, water rights, fencing, and enhancements.

Shopping for Suggestions: What to Search for in Inexperienced Texas Land

When searching for eco-friendly land in Texas, use this guidelines:

✅ Water Availability

  • Examine for present wells or rainwater harvesting potential.
  • Confirm water rights and conservation district guidelines.

✅ Soil High quality

  • Request a soil take a look at to confirm fertility, drainage, and contaminants.

✅ Wildlife Habitat

  • Search for pure vegetation and wildlife motion corridors.

✅ Renewable Vitality Potential

✅ Zoning and Restrictions

  • Rural land is commonly much less restricted, however all the time examine county laws.

Bonus: Companion with a land planner or permaculture advisor to unlock your land’s full ecological and financial worth.

Promoting Sustainably: Methods to Market Your Texas Land

If you happen to’re promoting land, place it for right now’s eco-conscious consumers.

  1. Spotlight Sustainable Options
  • Point out water sources, photo voltaic viability, and tree cowl in your itemizing.
  1. Present Documentation
  • Soil experiences, conservation easements, and power assessments increase purchaser confidence.
  1. Use Inexperienced Actual Property Brokers
  • Work with REALTORS who perceive sustainable growth and area of interest markets.
  1. Goal the Proper Consumers
  • Market to natural farmers, homesteaders, or buyers in search of land for conservation.

Authorities Incentives for Inexperienced Landowners in Texas

The state and federal governments supply applications that reward sustainable land stewardship:

Conservation Packages:

  • Texas Parks and Wildlife: Wildlife Administration Tax Valuation.
  • USDA NRCS: Environmental High quality Incentives Program (EQIP).

Tax Incentives:

  • Agricultural and wildlife exemptions can decrease property taxes by as much as 90%.

Grants & Value Sharing:

  • Photo voltaic, fencing, erosion management, and reforestation might qualify for monetary help.

Go to the Texas Landowner Incentive Program (LIP) to see eligibility.

Often Requested Questions on Texas Land for Sale

  1. Is it authorized to reside off-grid in Texas?

Sure. Texas has only a few restrictions, particularly in rural counties, making it superb for off-grid residing.

  1. Can I construct a tiny residence or container residence?

Is dependent upon county zoning, however many unincorporated areas permit it. All the time examine native codes.

  1. What’s the minimal acreage for a homestead exemption?

Texas doesn’t require a selected dimension—it’s based mostly on use and residence. File together with your county appraisal district.

  1. Are there financing choices for uncooked land?

Sure! Look into Farm Credit score, native banks, or owner-financing choices.

  1. Can I get water and energy in distant areas?

Sure, via wells, photo voltaic panels, wind energy, and off-grid septic methods.

Remaining Ideas: Investing in Texas Land is Investing within the Future

Whether or not you’re a first-time purchaser, farmer, or investor, Texas land presents long-term worth, pure magnificence, and sustainable potential. Prioritize land that helps your targets—whether or not that’s eco-living, farming, or conservation. With considerate planning, your funding can develop in worth and make a optimistic affect.

Discover your choices, ask the best questions, and assume long-term. Texas is greater than land—it’s a life-style and a legacy.

Galaxy.ai Evaluation: 2,000+ AI Instruments, However Is It Value It?


Are you juggling a number of AI subscriptions, every with its personal pricing plan and renewal dates? One platform offers you ChatGPT, one other presents Claude, a 3rd permits you to generate pictures and one other handles video creation. Earlier than you recognize it, your bills for these AI instruments have spiraled uncontrolled. You find yourself overwhelmed by what number of instruments you could handle.

However you are not alone! Research present that on common, most UX professionals use 2-3 AI instruments. A broader examine on AI use within the office exhibits that AI is broadly adopted, with 75% of employees utilizing it.

However what if there was a strategy to simplify all the pieces? Galaxy.ai could also be your resolution!

Galaxy.ai is designed to unify your AI expertise by supplying you with entry to over 2,000 AI instruments below one reasonably priced subscription. No extra hopping between completely different companies. No extra paying for a number of subscriptions. Only one intuitive platform that connects you to the most effective AI instruments for textual content, picture, video, audio, automation, and extra.

On this Galaxy.ai evaluate, I will talk about the professionals and cons, what it’s, who it is best for, and its key options. Then, I will present you the way straightforward it’s to begin utilizing it without cost!

I will end the article by evaluating Galaxy.ai with my high three alternate options (Magai, Simplified, and Microsoft Copilot). By the top, you will know if Galaxy.ai is best for you!

Whether or not you are a freelancer, content material creator, entrepreneur, or enterprise proprietor, Galaxy.ai is constructed to streamline your workflow, lower your expenses, and maximize effectivity. Let’s have a look.


Galaxy.ai presents an intuitive and reasonably priced AI expertise with entry to over 2,000 AI instruments, seamless mannequin switching, and a user-friendly interface that makes navigation easy. Whereas the sheer variety of instruments may be overwhelming, and a cellular app would add comfort, its worth and comfort make it a superb selection for AI fans.

Execs and Cons

  • Making a free account was fast and easy.
  • The sections made navigation easy.
  • Over 2,000 AI instruments masking textual content, picture, video, audio, and extra.
  • Capacity to favourite and rapidly entry most popular instruments.
  • Seamless switching between fashions like ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, and extra.
  • The chat expertise felt identical to ChatGPT, making it acquainted and simple to make use of.
  • Entry to cutting-edge AI instruments with out breaking the financial institution.
  • With 2,000+ instruments, it may be exhausting to know the place to begin.
  • When you use it sufficient you will ultimately must improve to the paid plan.
  • Can be extra handy if there was a cellular app.
  • So many choices on one dashboard can really feel a bit crowded.

What’s Galaxy.ai?

The galaxy.ai homepage.

The idea behind Galaxy.ai is deceptively easy. It’s a unified gateway to over 2,000 AI instruments spanning all the pieces from content material creation to picture era, information evaluation, and programming help. As a substitute of sustaining separate accounts for every service, you get a dashboard connecting you to virtually each AI instrument you’d ever want!

The subscription mannequin is the place Galaxy.ai actually stands out. Slightly than paying individually for ChatGPT Plus, Claude Professional, Midjourney, and dozens of different companies, you pay one flat month-to-month price. That is considerably lower than what you’d spend on even three or 4 premium AI subscriptions!

You may save a whole bunch of {dollars} per thirty days, which provides up over the yr. To not point out the aid of managing only one subscription as a substitute of juggling renewal dates and ranging pricing tiers throughout a number of platforms.

For anybody feeling overwhelmed by the ever-expanding world of AI instruments or watching their month-to-month subscription prices spiral uncontrolled, Galaxy.ai presents a sensible resolution that simplifies each entry and expense.

Who’s Galaxy.ai Greatest For?

Galaxy.ai is greatest for people and professionals who need entry to a variety of AI instruments with out juggling a number of subscriptions:

  • Freelancers and entrepreneurs can lower your expenses whereas accessing AI instruments for writing, design, video, and automation.
  • Content material creators can get high-quality AI-generated pictures, movies, music, and textual content for social media, YouTube, and extra.
  • Companies and entrepreneurs can streamline workflows with AI content material era, Web optimization, and advertising and marketing instruments.
  • Builders and tech fans can make the most of AI fashions like GPT, Claude, and Gemini facet by facet.
  • Podcasters and voice artists can use AI-powered voice cloning, transcription, and text-to-speech instruments.
  • Designers and photographers can entry AI-driven picture era, modifying, and branding instruments.

Galaxy.ai Key Options

Listed here are the important thing options that include Galaxy.ai:

  • All-in-One AI Platform: Entry a complete suite of AI instruments for chat, content material creation, design, automation, and extra in a single platform.
  • Multi-Mannequin AI Chat: Have interaction with high AI fashions like GPT, Claude, and Gemini, multi function place.
  • AI Content material Creation: Generate high-quality textual content, blogs, advertisements, and Web optimization-optimized content material.
  • AI Picture & Design Instruments: Create beautiful AI-generated pictures, illustrations, logos, and 3D fashions.
  • AI Video & Audio Instruments: Produce movies, clone voices, generate music, and convert speech to textual content seamlessly.
  • AI Productiveness & Automation: Automate workflows, analyze information, summarize paperwork, and enhance effectivity with AI-powered instruments.
  • AI Personalization & Customization: Practice customized AI fashions, create personalised AI brokers, and combine tailor-made options.
  • Huge Value Financial savings: Exchange costly software program and companies with AI alternate options at a fraction of the associated fee.

How you can Use Galaxy.ai

This is how straightforward it’s to make use of Galaxy.ai to get entry to each AI instrument for one month-to-month price:

  1. Create a Free Account
  2. Seek for an AI Software
  3. Choose an AI Software
  4. Select an AI Mannequin
  5. Use the AI Software

Step 1: Create a Free Account

Selecting "Get started for free" on galaxy.ai.

I began by going to galaxy.ai and hitting “Get began without cost.”

Step 2: Seek for an AI Software

The tools offered by galaxy.ai on the main dashboard.

After creating an account, I landed on my predominant dashboard. This serves as my management heart to entry all 2000+ AI instruments.

The dashboard is organized into a number of key sections that make discovering the fitting instrument simple:

  • Textual content
  • Picture
  • Video
  • Doc
  • Audio
  • Favorites

You can too seek for particular instruments or make instrument requests! You’ll see which instruments are trending if it has a bit of purple “Trending” badge on it.

Step 2: Choose an AI Software

Adding an AI tool offered by galaxy.ai to Favorites.

If you wish to “favourite” a instrument, hit the star icon on it. You’ll be able to entry it later within the “Favorites” part.

I made a decision to attempt “Chat With AI” to interact in conversations with any AI mannequin by deciding on the cardboard.

Using ChatGPT 4o Mini through galaxy.ai.

This took me to a brand new web page in the identical window the place I might instantly begin utilizing ChatGPT 4o Mini. The interface appeared the identical as ChatGPT, which felt very acquainted!

Step 3: Select an AI Mannequin

Choosing an AI model to chat with on galaxy.ai.

On the highest left was a drop-down window the place I might select from the next AI fashions:

Step 4: Use the AI Software

Giving ChatGPT 4o Mini a text prompt through galaxy.ai.

Giving ChatGPT 40 Mini a textual content immediate labored completely!

Using the chatbot in galaxy.ai.

That is how straightforward Galaxy.ai is to make use of! When you ever get caught or need assistance with something, use the chatbot to speak to customer support on the underside proper.

Total, Galaxy.ai offered a seamless expertise with an intuitive dashboard that made exploring over 2000 AI instruments easy. The flexibility to modify between a number of AI fashions, together with ChatGPT, Claude, and DeepSeek, gave me flexibility and management over my interactions.

I am impressed that each one these instruments can be found at such a low value. It saves each money and time whereas offering entry to the most recent AI know-how!

Prime 3 Galaxy.ai Alternate options

Listed here are the most effective Galaxy.ai alternate options I would advocate.


Magai homepage.

AI instrument aggregator platforms have gotten more and more common. Galaxy.ai and Magai goal to resolve the issue of “subscription fatigue” by providing entry to quite a few AI instruments below a single subscription.

Each platforms supply a variety of AI instruments for textual content, picture, audio, and video era. Additionally they supply options like a number of AI fashions and AI brokers.

Nevertheless, Galaxy.ai distinguishes itself by emphasizing its extraordinarily reasonably priced value level of $15/month and boasting a big person base of over 500,000 professionals. Magai’s pricing can also be reasonably priced, however it positions itself as an all-in-one resolution that aggregates present instruments. It additionally offers customers with real-time internet integration and a chat group.

When you’re primarily targeted on affordability below one plan and a wide array of instruments, select Galaxy.ai. For a model-based interface with real-time internet integrations and chat group, select Magai!


The Simplified homepage.

Simplified is one other platform that provides a complete suite of AI instruments for content material creation and advertising and marketing. Each goal to streamline workflows and supply quite a lot of AI capabilities in a single place.

Nevertheless, Galaxy.ai distinguishes itself by emphasizing entry to an unlimited variety of AI instruments (2000+) for a really low month-to-month value ($15). It positions itself as the last word cost-saving resolution for individuals who would in any other case pay considerably extra for particular person subscriptions to common AI companies like ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude, and Midjourney.

In the meantime, Simplified markets itself as an all-in-one platform targeted on design, video, and AI writing. It emphasizes ease of use and model consistency.

When you’re primarily in search of a broad vary of AI instruments on the lowest doable value, select Galaxy.ai. For an all-in-one platform specializing in design, video creation, and AI-assisted writing, select Simplified.

Microsoft Copilot

The ultimate AI platform I’d advocate is Microsoft Copilot. Galaxy.ai presents entry to 1000’s of AI instruments by way of a single subscription, whereas Microsoft Copilot integrates AI capabilities throughout Microsoft services and products.

Each platforms goal to boost productiveness and creativity with AI. Nevertheless, Galaxy.ai stands out with its huge library of AI instruments for textual content, picture, audio, and video era which can be all accessible for $15/month. Alternatively, Microsoft Copilot integrates deeply with Microsoft’s ecosystem and presents AI help inside apps like Workplace and Home windows.

For reasonably priced entry to a variety of AI instruments, select Galaxy.ai. For seamless integration of AI into your Microsoft surroundings and entry to options like Copilot Professional for people or Microsoft 365 Copilot for enterprise, select Microsoft Copilot!

Galaxy.ai Evaluation: The Proper Software For You?

Galaxy.ai delivered a seamless and reasonably priced expertise, giving me entry to over 2,000 AI instruments below one easy subscription. The flexibility to modify between AI fashions effortlessly, together with an intuitive dashboard, made it straightforward to discover and use highly effective AI instruments for content material creation, automation, and extra!

Whereas the massive variety of instruments may be overwhelming at first, the platform’s group and favourite function helped me discover what I wanted rapidly.

Finally, if you happen to’re juggling a number of AI subscriptions, Galaxy.ai presents an economical resolution that brings all the pieces into one place. Whether or not you are a freelancer, content material creator, enterprise proprietor, or tech fanatic, it presents spectacular worth with out breaking the financial institution.

When you’re interested by the most effective Galaxy.ai alternate options, this is what I would advocate:

  • Magai is greatest in order for you an AI instrument with real-time internet integration and arranged chat options.
  • Simplified is greatest for entrepreneurs and content material creators targeted on design, video, and AI-assisted writing.
  • Microsoft Copilot is greatest for professionals deeply built-in into Microsoft’s ecosystem and in search of AI-powered help throughout Workplace and Home windows.

Thanks for studying my Galaxy.ai evaluate! I hope you discovered it useful.

Strive Galaxy.ai without cost to get entry to each AI instrument you will ever want on one platform.

Retaining Tempo with an Increasing Assault Floor


Retaining Tempo with an Increasing Assault Floor

Organizations now use a median of 112 SaaS purposes—a quantity that retains rising. In a 2024 examine, 49% of 644 respondents who ceaselessly used Microsoft 365 believed that that they had lower than 10 apps linked to the platform, although aggregated information indicated over 1,000+ Microsoft 365 SaaS-to-SaaS connections on common per deployment. And that is only one main SaaS supplier. Think about different unexpected vital safety dangers:

  • Every SaaS app has distinctive safety configurations—making misconfigurations a prime danger.
  • Enterprise-critical apps (CRM, finance, and collaboration instruments) retailer huge quantities of delicate information, making them prime targets for attackers.
  • Shadow IT and third-party integrations introduce hidden vulnerabilities that usually go unnoticed.
  • Massive and small third-party AI service suppliers (e.g. audio/video transcription service) might not adjust to authorized and regulatory necessities, or correctly check and evaluation code.

Main SaaS suppliers even have 1000’s of builders pushing adjustments day by day. Understanding every SaaS app, assessing dangers, and securing configurations is overwhelming and inhumanly doable. And far of it’s simply noise. Maybe nothing malicious is occurring at scale, however small particulars can usually be ignored.

Conventional safety approaches merely can not scale to fulfill these calls for, leaving organizations uncovered to potential breaches.

AI: The Solely Method to Preserve Up

The complexity of SaaS safety is outpacing the sources and energy wanted to safe it. AI is now not non-obligatory, it is important. AI-driven safety options like AskOmni by AppOmni—which mix Generative AI (or GenAI) and superior analytics—are remodeling SaaS safety by:

✓ Delivering instantaneous safety insights by means of conversational AI.

✓ Investigating safety occasions effectively.

✓ Turning complicated SaaS safety questions into clear, actionable solutions.

✓ Visualizing dangers for deeper understanding.

✓ Breaking language limitations—multi-lingual help allows safety groups to work together with AI in Japanese, French, and English. With multi-lingual help, groups worldwide can work together with safety information of their native language—enhancing accessibility and response occasions.

For instance, with its skill to sew collectively context from disparate information factors, AskOmni can notify directors about points attributable to overprovisioning of privileges, considering entry patterns, delicate information, or compliance necessities, and information them by means of the remediation course of. Past typical risk notifications, AskOmni alerts directors to new threats, explaining potential penalties and providing prioritized remediation steps.

The Energy of AI + Information Depth

Excessive-quality information is the gas that powers GenAI, however it’s usually briefly provide. Whereas GenAI is more and more used to create artificial information for simulations, detection testing, or red-teaming workouts, the standard of that information determines the effectiveness of the outcomes.

Generative fashions require clear, related, and unbiased datasets to keep away from producing inaccurate or deceptive outcomes. That is a serious problem in cybersecurity domains the place high-fidelity risk intel, logs, and labeled incident information are scarce or siloed.

As an illustration, constructing a GenAI mannequin to simulate cloud breach situations calls for entry to detailed, context-rich telemetry—one thing that is not at all times obtainable attributable to privateness considerations or lack of standardized codecs.

However GenAI could be a highly effective device that may automate risk analysis to speed up incident reporting, serving to streamline workflows for researchers, engineers, and analysts alike. Its success, nevertheless, will depend on fixing the info high quality and availability hole first.

In SaaS safety, discovering quick, actionable solutions historically means sifting by means of information, which will be time-consuming and requires experience.

AI is just as efficient as the info it analyzes. The power to research safety occasions permits AI to supply deep visibility into SaaS environments and detect threats with higher accuracy. Safety groups profit from AI’s skill to prioritize dangers, correlate complicated safety observations, and supply suggestions grounded in real-world experience.

With 101+ million customers secured and a pair of+ billion safety occasions processed day by day, AppOmni ensures:

  • Deep visibility into SaaS environments
  • Correct danger detection and prioritization
  • Actionable safety insights grounded in experience

Actual-World Influence: AI in Motion

A world enterprise just lately leveraged AI to evaluate its complicated SaaS setting. With just some prompts, AskOmni effectively analyzed the system and highlighted key areas for focus. AskOmni offered the next insights that one buyer was capable of instantly motion and remediate:

  • An software bypassing IP restrictions: a vital misconfiguration.
  • Unauthorized self-authorization in Salesforce: a serious safety hole.
  • Outdated high-risk purposes: flagged earlier than they might be exploited.

With out AI, figuring out these dangers would have taken hours or been missed totally.

The Current and Future Belongs to AI-Pushed SaaS Safety

AI isn’t just enhancing the safety of SaaS purposes — it is redefining what is feasible. Organizations utilizing AI-powered safety instruments will achieve a vital edge in defending their information and staying forward of cyber threats.

Cease looking out, begin asking. Get SaaS safety solutions with AppOmni.

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