I’ve a parentview CreateReportView, it include two subviews that are accessed on the premise of navigation. My knowledge is being correctly saved and fetched between youngster view (create report element view) and parentview (create report view) however after I navigate to NewUploadGalleryView my knowledge vanishes, what could possibly be the potential downside? I even modified my states variable to StateObject and ObservedObject respectively to keep up knowledge consistency. My knowledge stays tremendous after I carry out navigation between create report element and create report element view however as quickly as I navigate to NewuploadGallery and return again to createReportView to navigate into createReportDetailView my knowledge resets
Right here is my CreateReportView,
struct CreateReportView: View {
@Atmosphere(.dismiss) var dismiss
@State non-public var showingNotifications = false
@State non-public var isDashboardView = true
@State non-public var isNotificationView = true
@State var navigateToSelection:Bool = false
@State var navigateToSectionDetail: Bool = false
@State var uploadButton:String?
var isGallery = false
var crTitle = ""
var selectedCat: CatModel? = nil
var selectedSubCat: CatModel? = nil
var aiData: JSON? = nil
@State non-public var loadingVC: LoadingVC?
@State non-public var ImageGallary = [CRFileModel]()
@State non-public var totalToUpload: Int?
@State non-public var isDraft = false
@State non-public var isEditSaveReport = false
@State var AILabels: Bool = false
@StateObject non-public var DashboardviewModel = NewDashBoardViewModel()
@StateObject non-public var viewModel = ContentViewModel()
@State non-public var selectedItems: [CRItemModel] = []
@Binding var parentSection: CRSectionModel?
@State non-public var toHide: Bool = false
@State non-public var toRecordwithAI: Bool = false
@StateObject non-public var createReportData = CreateReportData()
var physique: some View {
title: "Create Report",
showBackButton: true,
onBack: {dismiss()},
onProfileTap: {},
showingNotifications: $showingNotifications,
notificationCount: DashboardviewModel.dashBoardModel?.unreadNotificationCount ?? 0,
isDashboardView: isDashboardView,
isNotificationView: isNotificationView
VStack(spacing: 20) {
// Media Gallery Part
if isGallery{
NewMediaGallerysView(uploadButton: $uploadButton, minGalleryLimit: selectedSubCat?.galleryMin ?? 0, maxGalleryLimit: selectedSubCat?.galleryMax ?? 20, imageGalleryCount: CRModel.shared.imageGallery.depend, selectedSubCat: selectedSubCat)
.onChange(of: uploadButton) { newValue in
if let new = newValue{
print("Button tapped with motion: (new)")
navigateToSelection = true
uploadButton = nil
vacation spot: NewUploadGalleryView(imageGallary: viewModel.imageGallary ?? [CRFileModel](), selectedSubCat: selectedSubCat ?? CatModel(knowledge: JSON()), createReportData: createReportData, parentSection: parentSection).environmentObject(createReportData)
.onDisappear {
// Refresh the depend or knowledge within the mum or dad view
selectedSubCat: selectedSubCat,
crTitle: crTitle,
selectedCat: selectedCat,
imageGallary: CRModel.shared.imageGallery
print("ON UPLOAD GALLERY DISMISS PARENT SECTION VALUE :(parentSection?.gadgets.first?.textValue)")
print("paraaaaams: (CRModel.shared.getParams())")
isActive: $navigateToSelection,
label: { EmptyViewDesign() }
if aiData != nil {
if toHide == false {
PrimaryButton(title: "I'm pleased with it!")
.onTapGesture {
toHide = true
SecondaryButton(title: "Re Document with AI")
.onTapGesture {
toRecordwithAI = true
ForEach(viewModel.sections, id: .id) { merchandise in
CreateReportListingView(sectionModel:merchandise, aiData: AILabels)
.onTapGesture {
parentSection = merchandise
navigateToSectionDetail = true
createReportData.gadgets = merchandise.gadgets
} .listRowSeparator(.hidden) //.padding(.horizontal,20)
// .padding()
NavigationLink(vacation spot: CreateReportWithAIView(selectedCat: selectedCat ?? CatModel(knowledge: JSON()), selectedSubCat: selectedSubCat ?? CatModel(knowledge: JSON()), crTitle: crTitle), isActive: $toRecordwithAI){
.onAppear {
// for i in parentSection?.gadgets ?? [CRItemModel](){
// print("gadgets values onAppear = (i.textValue)")
// }
// if viewModel.createRport == nil {
viewModel.aiData = aiData
if viewModel.sections.isEmpty{
viewModel.getData(selectedSubCat: selectedSubCat, crTitle: crTitle, selectedCat: selectedCat, imageGallary: CRModel.shared.imageGallery) // Fetch knowledge when the view seems
if aiData != nil{
AILabels = true
// } else {
// viewModel.populateCRModel(crModel: viewModel.createRport)
// }
print("paraaaaams: (CRModel.shared.getParams())")
print("ON CREATE REPORT APPEAR PARENT SECTION VALUE: (parentSection?.gadgets.first?.textValue)")
for i in parentSection?.gadgets ?? [CRItemModel]() {
print("CR_items values onDisappear = (i.textValue) (i.fieldValue) (i.information)")
print("FILESS ARE HERE: (i.information.accommodates(the place: {$0.isLocalURL()}))")
print("ON CREATE REPORT DISAPPEAR PARENT SECTION VALUE: (parentSection?.gadgets.first?.textValue)")
print("ON DISAPPEAR GALLERY COUNT: (CRModel.shared.imageGallery.depend)")
if viewModel.sections.depend != 0{
Button(motion: {
}) {
CreateReportDraftButton(title: "Save as Draft")
Button(motion: {
let param = CRModel.shared.getParams()
if let params = param.params {
CreateReportCreateButton(title: "Create Report")
.onTapGesture {
print("Prepared for create report")
}else if let error = param.error {
CreateReportCreateButtonGray(title: "Create Report")
.onTapGesture {
print("Not Prepared for create report")
}.padding(.horizontal, 10)
// }.navigate(to: CreateReportDetailView(itemModel: selectedItems.first, gadgets: selectedItems), when: $navigateToSectionDetail)
}.navigate(to: CreateReportDetailView(parentSection: $parentSection, createReportData: createReportData)
when: $navigateToSectionDetail)
.navigate(to: NotificationsViews(showingNotifications: $showingNotifications), when: $showingNotifications)
Right here is my CreateReportDetailView
struct CreateReportDetailView: View {
@Atmosphere(.dismiss) var dismiss
@State non-public var showingNotifications = false
@State non-public var isDashboardView = true
@State non-public var isNotificationView = true
@StateObject non-public var DashboardviewModel = NewDashBoardViewModel()
//@State var gadgets: [CRItemModel]
@Binding var parentSection: CRSectionModel!
@StateObject non-public var viewModel = ContentViewModel()
@State non-public var show360: Bool = false
@State non-public var selectedItem: CRItemModel? = nil
@State non-public var updatedText: String = "360 View"
@ObservedObject var createReportData: CreateReportData
var physique: some View {
VStack {
title: "Create Report Element",
showBackButton: true,
onBack: { CRModel.shared.addModifiedSections()
dismiss() },
onProfileTap: {},
showingNotifications: $showingNotifications,
notificationCount: DashboardviewModel.dashBoardModel?.unreadNotificationCount ?? 0,
isDashboardView: isDashboardView,
isNotificationView: isNotificationView
ScrollView {
ForEach(Array(createReportData.gadgets.enumerated()), id: .component.id) { index, merchandise in
change merchandise.getType().rawValue {
case "TEXT":
let limitString = merchandise.getFieldLimitString()
DescriptionInputView(merchandise: $createReportData.gadgets[index],
title:"(merchandise.title) (merchandise.matricSymbol != nil ? "((merchandise.matricSymbol!))" : "")",
limitString: limitString, characterLimit: merchandise.fieldLimits?.textLimit, necessary: merchandise.necessary,
requiredDocument: merchandise.documentRequired, requiredAudio: merchandise.audioRequired,
requiredVideo: merchandise.videoRequired, requiredImage: merchandise.imageRequired, description: merchandise.textValue ?? "", attachment: merchandise.information, parentSection: parentSection
) .....
Right here is my NewUploadGalleryView
struct NewUploadGalleryView: View {
@FocusState non-public var activeTextField: UUID?
@State var imageGallary: [CRFileModel]
@State var selectedSubCat: CatModel
@State non-public var showingNotifications = false
@State non-public var isDashboardView = true
@State non-public var isNotificationView = true
@StateObject non-public var DashboardviewModel = NewDashBoardViewModel()
@Atmosphere(.dismiss) var dismiss
@State var uploadButton: Bool = false
@State non-public var showToast = false
@State non-public var toastMessage = ""
@State non-public var uploadState: UploadState = .chooseFiles
@State var reload: Bool? = false
@State non-public var showingFullScreenImage: Bool = false
@State non-public var selectedImageUrl: String? // Retailer the URL of the tapped picture
@State non-public var isProcessingTap = false
@State non-public var deletingItemID: UUID?
@ObservedObject var createReportData: CreateReportData
@StateObject non-public var viewModel = ContentViewModel()
let parentSection: CRSectionModel?
@EnvironmentObject non-public var networkMonitorUpdated: NetworkMonitorUpdated