I am unable to get the snake circle to maneuver, however have programmed the gestures to alter the snakes route and what occurs when the snake eats the meals. Unsure the place I went mistaken, but when somebody may help me have a look, I do not assume the issue needs to be too arduous to search out…?
struct ContentView: View { @State non-public var startPosition: CGPoint = .zero //begin place of the swipe
@State non-public var positions = [CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0)] // array of the snakes physique place
@State non-public var foodPosition = CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0) // meals place
@State non-public var isStarted = true // began swipe or not
@State non-public var gameOver = false // for ending the sport
@State non-public var rating = 0 // rating
@State non-public var route = Course.down //the route the snake goes to take
var snakeSize: CGFloat = 12 //measurement of snake
let timer = Timer.publish(each: 0.08, on: .fundamental, in: .widespread) //to replace snake place after each 0.1 sec
var physique: some View {
ZStack {
Colour(#colorLiteral(crimson:0.1161897704, inexperienced:0.1520919502, blue:0.1818574071,alpha: 1)).ignoresSafeArea()
Textual content("Rating: ")
Textual content("(rating)")
Button (motion:{
} ,label: {
Textual content("Restart")
.body(width: 65, peak: 30)
ForEach(0.. xDist {
route = Course.down
else if startPosition.y > gesture.location.y && yDist > xDist {
route = Course.up
else if startPosition.x > gesture.location.x && xDist > yDist {
route = Course.proper
else if startPosition.x < gesture.location.x && xDist > yDist {
route = Course.left
//MARK: Time Frequency
.onReceive(timer){ _ in
if !gameOver {
withAnimation(.linear(period: 0.08)){
if positions[0] == foodPosition {
withAnimation(.spring()) {
foodPosition = changePosition()
rating += 1
let minX = UIScreen.fundamental.bounds.minX
let maxX = UIScreen.fundamental.bounds.maxX
let minY = UIScreen.fundamental.bounds.minY
let maxY = UIScreen.fundamental.bounds.maxY
//Mark: -Random Positions for Snake
func changePosition() -> CGPoint{
let rows = Int(maxX / 1.08)
let columns = Int(maxY / 1.08)
let randomX = Int.random(in: 1.. maxX && !gameOver {
else if positions[0].y < minY || positions[0].y > maxY && !gameOver {
var prev = positions[0]
if route == .down{
positions[0].y += snakeSize
else if route == .up{
positions[0].y -= snakeSize
else if route == .proper{
positions[0].x += snakeSize
else if route == .left{
positions[0].x -= snakeSize
for index in 1..
I’ve gone via my code and couldn’t establish what would trigger the snake to not transfer. I am anticipating the white circle to maneuver routinely upon gameStart.