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New York
Saturday, February 22, 2025

ios – Arrange .bartycrouch.toml to permit to passing a customized operate

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. outline customized localization Micro like under
    #outline JFLS(string) [[JFLocalManager defaultManager] localizedStringForKey:(string)]

  2. make .bartycrouch.toml file like blew

duties = ["interfaces", "code", "normalize"]

paths = ["."]
subpathsToIgnore = [".git", "carthage", "pods", "build", ".build", "docs"]
defaultToBase = true
ignoreEmptyStrings = false
unstripped = false
ignoreKeys = ["#bartycrouch-ignore!", "#bc-ignore!", "#I!"]

codePaths = ["."]
subpathsToIgnore = [".git", "carthage", "pods", "build", ".build", "docs"]
localizablePaths = ["."]
defaultToKeys = true
additive = true
customFunction = "JFLS"
unstripped = false
plistArguments = false
ignoreKeys = ["#bartycrouch-ignore!", "#bc-ignore!", "#I!"]
overrideComments = false

paths = ["."]
subpathsToIgnore = [".git", "carthage", "pods", "build", ".build", "docs"]
sourceLocale = "en"
harmonizeWithSource = true
sortByKeys = true
separateWithEmptyLine = true

paths = ["."]
subpathsToIgnore = [".git", "carthage", "pods", "build", ".build", "docs"]
duplicateKeys = true
emptyValues = true

  1. run bartycrouch replace , the get outcome under
[heping@hepingdeMacBook-Air:~/Documents/JoinFit] bartycrouch replace
Beginning Activity 'Replace Interfaces' ...
2025-02-10 19:16:46.840: ⚠️  No enter information discovered.
Beginning Activity 'Replace Code' ...
extractLocStrings: error: dangerous entry in file /Customers/heping/Paperwork/JoinFit/JoinFit/RFFramework/NAKit/Macro/JFKitMacro.h (line = 18): Argument will not be a literal string.
extractLocStrings: error: dangerous entry in file /Customers/heping/Paperwork/JoinFit/JoinFit/RFFramework/NAKit/ViewController/Base/JFTabbarController.m (line = 45): Argument will not be a literal string.
extractLocStrings: error: dangerous entry in file /Customers/heping/Paperwork/JoinFit/JoinFit/RFFramework/NAKit/ViewController/Base/JFTabbarController.m (line = 47): Argument will not be a literal string.
extractLocStrings: error: dangerous entry in file /Customers/heping/Paperwork/JoinFit/JoinFit/RFFramework/NAKit/ViewController/Base/JFTabbarController.m (line = 49): Argument will not be a literal string.
extractLocStrings: error: dangerous entry in file /Customers/heping/Paperwork/JoinFit/JoinFit/RFFramework/NAKit/ViewController/Base/JFTabbarController.m (line = 51): Argument will not be a literal string.
extractLocStrings: error: dangerous entry in file /Customers/heping/Paperwork/JoinFit/JoinFit/RFFramework/NAKit/ViewController/Base/JFTabbarController.m (line = 57): Argument will not be a literal string.
extractLocStrings: error: dangerous entry in file /Customers/heping/Paperwork/JoinFit/JoinFit/RFFramework/NAKit/ViewController/Base/JFTabbarController.m (line = 60): Argument will not be a literal string.
extractLocStrings: error: dangerous entry in file /Customers/heping/Paperwork/JoinFit/JoinFit/RFFramework/NAKit/ViewController/Base/JFTabbarController.m (line = 63): Argument will not be a literal string.
extractLocStrings: error: dangerous entry in file /Customers/heping/Paperwork/JoinFit/JoinFit/RFFramework/NAKit/ViewController/Base/JFTabbarController.m (line = 66): Argument will not be a literal string.
extractLocStrings: error: dangerous entry in file /Customers/heping/Paperwork/JoinFit/JoinFit/RFFramework/NAFoundation/Class/NSArray+JFExtension.m (line = 28): Argument will not be a literal string.
extractLocStrings: error: dangerous entry in file /Customers/heping/Paperwork/JoinFit/JoinFit/RFFramework/NAFoundation/Helper/JFHelper.m (line = 16): Argument will not be a literal string.
extractLocStrings: error: dangerous entry in file /Customers/heping/Paperwork/JoinFit/JoinFit/RFFramework/NAFoundation/Helper/JFHelper.m (line = 18): Argument will not be a literal string.
extractLocStrings: error: dangerous entry in file /Customers/heping/Paperwork/JoinFit/JoinFit/RFFramework/NAFoundation/Helper/JFDateHelper.m (line = 53): Argument will not be a literal string.
extractLocStrings: error: dangerous entry in file /Customers/heping/Paperwork/JoinFit/JoinFit/RFFramework/NAFoundation/Helper/JFDateHelper.m (line = 56): Argument will not be a literal string.
extractLocStrings: error: dangerous entry in file /Customers/heping/Paperwork/JoinFit/JoinFit/Pages/Splash/JFNetworkErrorViewController.m (line = 27): Argument will not be a literal string.
extractLocStrings: error: dangerous entry in file /Customers/heping/Paperwork/JoinFit/JoinFit/Pages/Splash/JFNetworkErrorViewController.m (line = 28): Argument will not be a literal string.
extractLocStrings: error: dangerous entry in file /Customers/heping/Paperwork/JoinFit/JoinFit/Pages/Splash/JFNetworkErrorViewController.m (line = 29): Argument will not be a literal string.
extractLocStrings: error: dangerous entry in file /Customers/heping/Paperwork/JoinFit/JoinFit/Pages/Splash/JFNetworkErrorViewController.m (line = 31): Argument will not be a literal string.
extractLocStrings: error: dangerous entry in file /Customers/heping/Paperwork/JoinFit/JoinFit/Pages/Splash/JFNetworkErrorViewController.m (line = 33): Argument will not be a literal string.
extractLocStrings: error: dangerous entry in file /Customers/heping/Paperwork/JoinFit/JoinFit/Pages/Notification/Fashions/JFNotificationManager.m (line = 99): Argument will not be a literal string.
extractLocStrings: error: dangerous entry in file /Customers/heping/Paperwork/JoinFit/JoinFit/Pages/Notification/Fashions/JFNotificationManager.m (line = 100): Argument will not be a literal string.
extractLocStrings: error: dangerous entry in file /Customers/heping/Paperwork/JoinFit/JoinFit/Pages/Notification/Fashions/JFNotificationManager.m (line = 101): Argument will not be a literal string.
extractLocStrings: error: dangerous entry in file /Customers/heping/Paperwork/JoinFit/JoinFit/Pages/Notification/Fashions/JFNotificationManager.m (line = 102): Argument will not be a literal string.
extractLocStrings: error: dangerous entry in file /Customers/heping/Paperwork/JoinFit/JoinFit/Pages/Plan/VC/JFNutritionSettingController.swift (line = 60): Argument will not be a literal string.
extractLocStrings: error: dangerous entry in file /Customers/heping/Paperwork/JoinFit/JoinFit/Pages/Plan/VC/JFNutritionSettingController.swift (line = 62): Argument will not be a literal string.
extractLocStrings: error: dangerous entry in file /Customers/heping/Paperwork/JoinFit/JoinFit/Pages/Plan/VC/JFNutritionSettingController.swift (line = 67): Argument will not be a literal string.
extractLocStrings: error: dangerous entry in file /Customers/heping/Paperwork/JoinFit/JoinFit/Pages/Plan/VC/JFPlanViewController.m (line = 207): Argument will not be a literal string.
extractLocStrings: error: dangerous entry in file /Customers/heping/Paperwork/JoinFit/JoinFit/Pages/Plan/VC/JFPlanViewController.m (line = 222): Argument will not be a literal string.
extractLocStrings: error: dangerous entry in file /Customers/heping/Paperwork/JoinFit/JoinFit/Pages/Plan/VC/JFPlanViewController.m (line = 222): Argument will not be a literal string.
extractLocStrings: error: dangerous entry in file /Customers/heping/Paperwork/JoinFit/JoinFit/Pages/Plan/VC/JFPlanViewController.m (line = 222): Argument will not be a literal string.
extractLocStrings: error: dangerous entry in file /Customers/heping/Paperwork/JoinFit/JoinFit/Pages/Plan/VC/JFPlanViewController.m (line = 235): Argument will not be a literal string.
extractLocStrings: error: dangerous entry in file /Customers/heping/Paperwork/JoinFit/JoinFit/Pages/Meals/ViewControllers/Primary/JFFoodCategoryViewController.m (line = 140): Argument will not be a literal string.
extractLocStrings: error: dangerous entry in file /Customers/heping/Paperwork/JoinFit/JoinFit/Pages/Meals/ViewControllers/Primary/JFFoodCategoryViewController.m (line = 140): Argument will not be a literal string.
extractLocStrings: error: dangerous entry in file /Customers/heping/Paperwork/JoinFit/JoinFit/Pages/Meals/Views/JFFoodDetailIngredientItemView.m (line = 73): Argument will not be a literal string.
extractLocStrings: error: dangerous entry in file /Customers/heping/Paperwork/JoinFit/JoinFit/Pages/Meals/Views/JFFoodDetailStepItemView.m (line = 81): Argument will not be a literal string.
extractLocStrings: error: dangerous entry in file /Customers/heping/Paperwork/JoinFit/JoinFit/Pages/Meals/Views/Listing/JFFoodDetailIngredientsCell.m (line = 140): Argument will not be a literal string.
extractLocStrings: error: dangerous entry in file /Customers/heping/Paperwork/JoinFit/JoinFit/Base/IAP/Mannequin/JFProduct.m (line = 72): Argument will not be a literal string.
extractLocStrings: error: dangerous entry in file /Customers/heping/Paperwork/JoinFit/JoinFit/Base/IAP/Mannequin/JFProduct.m (line = 74): Argument will not be a literal string.
extractLocStrings: error: dangerous entry in file /Customers/heping/Paperwork/JoinFit/JoinFit/Base/IAP/Mannequin/JFProduct.m (line = 76): Argument will not be a literal string.
extractLocStrings: error: dangerous entry in file /Customers/heping/Paperwork/JoinFit/JoinFit/Base/IAP/Mannequin/JFProduct.m (line = 125): Argument will not be a literal string.
2025-02-10 19:16:47.436: ⚠️  No localizations extracted from Code in listing '.'.
Activity 'Replace Code' took 0.595 seconds.
Beginning Activity 'Normalize' ...

Anticipated Habits:

The localized strings are extracted to Localizable.strings file.

Present Habits:

Empty Localizable.strings file, extracting failed.


[heping@hepingdeMacBook-Air:~/Documents/JoinFit] bartycrouch --version
Model: 4.15.0


I get right into a scenario like #14, and as I discovered #48 has add the function.

with error log:
extractLocStrings: error: dangerous entry in file /Customers/heping/Paperwork/JoinFit/JoinFit/Pages/Diary/Controllers/JFDiaryViewController.m (line = 147): Argument will not be a literal string.

however my code has this:
foodSection.title = JFLS(@"Meals Consumption");

The secret’s really a literal string, I do not know how one can deal with this, as a result of as #14 is simply too olde model. There is no code subcommand anymore. I am unsure how one can correctly arrange the .bartycrouch.toml to realize my purpose. Pleas assist.

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