I’ve a Obeservable Class that declares two @AppStore properties:
class CaptureDelegate: NSObject, AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate, ObservableObject {
@AppStorage("captureInterval") var captureInterval: Int = 2
@AppStorage("startCaptureInterval") var startCaptureInterval: Int = 3
Then I inject it into the atmosphere:
struct xxxxxx: App {
@AppStorage("isOnboarding") var isOnboarding: Bool = true
@Atmosphere(.scenePhase) var scenePhase // Monitor app state
@State var showingPermissionAlert: Bool = false
@StateObject var captureDelegate = CaptureDelegate()
var physique: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
if isOnboarding {
else {
I’ve a view with a customized made Wheelpicker that permits the person to regulate these two values:
struct CameraView: View {
@EnvironmentObject var captureDelegate: CaptureDelegate
TimerPickerView(captureInterval: $captureDelegate.captureInterval, startCaptureInterval: $captureDelegate.startCaptureInterval)
And from there I go it alongside to a ChildView:
struct TimerPickerView : View {
@Binding var captureInterval: Int
@Binding var startCaptureInterval: Int
var physique: some View {
VStack {
// Show debug values
Textual content("Seize Interval: (captureInterval)")
WheelPicker(rely: 10, spacing: 80, worth: $captureInterval) //Interval Between Captures
Textual content("Begin Seize Interval: (startCaptureInterval)")
WheelPicker(rely: 20, spacing: 80, worth: $startCaptureInterval) //Time to first seize
struct WheelPicker: View {
var rely: Int //(20 handed in)
var spacing: CGFloat = 80
@Binding var worth: Int
.scrollPosition(id: .init(get: { //wanted as a result of scrollPositon wont settle for a Binding int
let place: Int? = worth
return place //convert the binding into an optionally available Int (which scrollPosition will settle for)
}, set: { newValue in
if let newValue {
worth = newValue //merely taking within the new worth and go it again to the binding
The issue is the 2 App Storage variables are initializing as 0 (as an alternative of two and three) and even once I change them efficiently within the WheelPicker it is not endured throughout launches. How do you employ @AppStorage in EnviromentObjects