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Sunday, December 1, 2024

ios – Anybody know the way to repair this Firebase & SwiftUI app “Community is down” error

I am utilizing Firebase and getting an error which results in perpetual loading on my loginView.

Right here is the error I get within the console when I attempt to create an account (it save the data to the database efficiently);

I0000 00:00:1732198505.199351 570520 subchannel.cc:806] subchannel 0x1603cb400 {deal with=ipv6:%5B2607:f8b0:4007:801::200apercent5D:443, args={grpc.client_channel_factory=0x300855160, grpc.default_authority=firestore.googleapis.com, grpc.http2_scheme=https, grpc.inside.channel_credentials=0x302e04d80, grpc.inside.client_channel_call_destination=0x106089e28, grpc.inside.event_engine=0x300843450, grpc.inside.security_connector=0x302439380, grpc.inside.subchannel_pool=0x3021080e0, grpc.keepalive_time_ms=30000, grpc.primary_user_agent=grpc-c++/1.65.1, grpc.resource_quota=0x3005580f0, grpc.server_uri=dns:///firestore.googleapis.com}}: join failed (UNKNOWN:(area:NSPOSIXErrorDomain, code:50, description:The operation couldn’t be accomplished. Community is down) {grpc_status:2, created_time:”2024-11-21T06:15:05.198564-08:00″, file_line:150, file:”/var/folders/hn/5bx1f4_d4ds5vhwhkxc7vdcr0000gn/T/ZipRelease/2024-07-25T04-01-28/project-ios/Pods/gRPC-Core/src/core/lib/transport/error_utils.cc”}), backing off for 995 ms
Saved Efficiently

My swiftUI loginView code;

import SwiftUI
import PhotosUI
import Firebase
import FirebaseCore
import FirebaseAuth
import FirebaseStorage
import FirebaseFirestore
import FirebaseStorageCombineSwift
import FirebaseFirestoreCombineSwift

struct LoginView: View {
    // MARK: Person Particulars
    @State var emailID: String = ""
    @State var password: String = ""
    @State var createAccount: Bool = false
    @State var showError: Bool = false
    @State var errorMessage: String = ""
    @State var isLoading: Bool = false
    // MARK Person Defaults
    @AppStorage("user_profile_url") var profileURL: URL?
    @AppStorage("user_name") var userNameStored: String = ""
    @AppStorage("user_UID") var userUID: String = ""
    @AppStorage("log_status") var logStatus: Bool = false
    var physique: some View {
        VStack(spacing: 10){
            Textual content("Let's Signal In")
            Textual content("Welcome again, nYou have been missed")
            VStack(spacing: 12){
                TextField("E-mail", textual content: $emailID)
                    .border(1, .grey.opacity(0.5))
                SecureField("Password", textual content: $password)
                    .border(1, .grey.opacity(0.5))
                Button("Reset password", motion: loginUser)
                Button(motion: loginUser) {
                    // MARK: Login Button
                    Textual content("Signal In")
                Button {
                } label: {
                    // MARK: Login Button
                    Textual content("Create Account")
            // MARK: Register Button
            VStack {
                    Textual content("Want Assist?")
                Button("Reset Password", motion: resetPassword)
        .overlay(content material: {
            LoadingView(present: $isLoading)
        // MARK: Register View VIA Sheets
        .fullScreenCover(isPresented: $createAccount) {
        // MARK: Displaying Error/Alert
        .alert(errorMessage, isPresented: $showError, actions: {})
    func loginUser(){
        isLoading = true
                strive await Auth.auth().signIn(withEmail: emailID, password: password)
                print("Person Discovered")
                strive await fetchUser()
                await setError(error)
        // MARK: is person discovered then fetch knowledge from firestore
    func fetchUser()async throws{
        guard let userID = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid else{return}
        let person = strive await Firestore.firestore().assortment("Customers").doc(userID).getDocument(as: Person.self)
        await MainActor.run(physique: {
            // Setting UserDefaults knowledge and altering apps auth standing
            userUID = userID
            userNameStored = person.username
            profileURL = person.userProfileURL
            logStatus = true
    func resetPassword(){
                strive await Auth.auth().sendPasswordReset(withEmail: emailID)
                print("Hyperlink Despatched")
                await setError(error)
    // MARK: Show error by way of alert
    func setError(_ error: Error)async{
        // MARK UI should be up to date on most important thread
        await MainActor.run(physique: {
            errorMessage = error.localizedDescription
            isLoading = false

// MARK: Register View
struct RegisterView: View{
    // MARK: Person Particulars
    @State var emailID: String = ""
    @State var password: String = ""
    @State var userName: String = ""
    @State var userBio: String = ""
    @State var userBioLink: String = ""
    @State var userProfilePicData: Information?
    // MARK: View Properties
    @Setting(.dismiss) var dismiss
    @State var showImagePicker: Bool = false
    @State var photoItem: PhotosPickerItem?
    @State var showError: Bool = false
    @State var errorMessage: String = ""
    @State var isLoading: Bool = false
    // MARK: UserDefaults
    @AppStorage("log_status") var logStatus: Bool = false
    @AppStorage("user_profile_url") var profileURL: URL?
    @AppStorage("user_name") var userNameStored: String = ""
    @AppStorage("user_UID") var userUID: String = ""
    var physique: some View{
        VStack(spacing: 10){
            Textual content("Create your nAccount")
            Textual content("Whats up, Plant Particular person nYou'll adore it right here!")
            // MARK: For smaller Dimension Optimization
            ViewThatFits {
                ScrollView(. vertical, showsIndicators: false) {
            // MARK: Register Button
            VStack {
                    Textual content("Have already got an account?")
        .overlay(content material: {
            LoadingView(present: $isLoading)
        .photosPicker(isPresented: $showImagePicker, choice: $photoItem)
        .onChange(of: photoItem) {
            oldValue, newValue in
        // MARK: Extracting UIImage PhotoITem
            if let newValue{
                        guard let imageData = strive await newValue.loadTransferable(kind: Information.self) else {
                            return }
                        // MARK: UI Should be up to date on most important thread
                        await MainActor.run{
                            userProfilePicData = imageData
        // MARK Displaying Alert
        .alert(errorMessage, isPresented: $showError, actions:{})
    func HelperView()->some View{
        VStack(spacing: 12){
                if let userProfilePicData,let picture = UIImage(knowledge: userProfilePicData){
                    Picture(uiImage: picture)
                        .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fill)
                } else{
                        .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fill)
            .body(width: 85, top: 85)
            .onTapGesture {
            TextField("Username", textual content: $userName)
                .border(1, .grey.opacity(0.5))
            TextField("E-mail", textual content: $emailID)
                .border(1, .grey.opacity(0.5))
            SecureField("Password", textual content: $password)
                .border(1, .grey.opacity(0.5))
            TextField("About Me", textual content: $userBio,axis: .vertical)
                .body(minHeight: 100,alignment: .prime)
                .border(1, .grey.opacity(0.5))
            TextField("Hyperlink", textual content: $userBioLink)
                .border(1, .grey.opacity(0.5))
            Button(motion: registerUser){
                // MARK: Login Button
                Textual content("Create Account")
            .disableWithOpacity(userName == "" || userBio == "" || emailID == "" || password == "" || userProfilePicData == nil)
    func registerUser(){
        isLoading = true
                // Step 1: Create Firebase Account
                strive await Auth.auth().createUser(withEmail: emailID, password: password)
                // Step 2: Add profile pic to firebase storage
                guard let userUID = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid else {return}
                guard let imageData = userProfilePicData else {return}
                let storageRef = Storage.storage().reference().little one("profile_Images").little one(userUID)
                let _ = strive await storageRef.putDataAsync(imageData)
                // Step 3: Downlaoding photograph url
                let downloadURL = strive await storageRef.downloadURL()
                // Step 4: Creating person Firestore object
                let person = Person(username: userName, userBio: userBio, userBioLink: userBioLink, userUID: userUID, userEmail: emailID, userProfileURL: downloadURL)
                // Step 5: Saving person doc into firestore database
                let _ = strive Firestore.firestore().assortment("Customers").doc(userUID).setData(from: person, completion: {
                    error in
                    if error == nil{
                        // MARK: print efficiently saved
                        print("Saved Efficiently")
                        userNameStored = userName
                        self.userUID = userUID
                        profileURL = downloadURL
                        logStatus = true
                // MARK: Deleting created account in case of failure
                strive await Auth.auth().currentUser?.delete()
                await setError(error)
    func resetPassword(){
                strive await Auth.auth().sendPasswordReset(withEmail: emailID)
                print("person discovered")
                await setError(error)
    // MARK: Displaying Error VIA Alert
    func setError(_ error: Error)async{
        // MARK: UI should be replace don most important thread
        await MainActor.run(physique: {
            errorMessage = error.localizedDescription
            isLoading = false

#Preview {

// MARK: View Extension For UI Constructing
extension View{
    // MARK: Disabling with opacity
    func disableWithOpacity(_ situation: Bool)->some View{
            .opacity(situation ? 0.6 : 1)
    func hAlign(_ alignment: Alignment)->some View{
            .body(maxWidth: .infinity,alignment: alignment)

    func vAlign(_ alignment: Alignment)->some View{
            .body(maxHeight: .infinity,alignment: alignment)
    // MARK: Customized border view with padding
    func border(_ width: CGFloat,_ coloration: Colour)->some View{
            .background {
                RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 20, type: .steady)
                    .stroke(coloration, lineWidth: width)
    // MARK: Customized fill view with padding
    func fillView(_ coloration: Colour)->some View{
            .background {
                RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 25, type: .steady)

As soon as a person faucets the create account button the app ought to connect with Firebase storage to avoid wasting the person information and picture after which load to the mainView()

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