8.5 C
New York
Friday, March 21, 2025

swift – react native – create location monitoring library for iOS

I’m researching on creating library for react native new arch. For the time being, I’m coping with create-react-native-library to create a location monitoring lib for iOS for higher customization.

I’m new to each Goal-C and Swift, so really want your helps.

My present model:

  • create-react-native-library: 0.48.3
  • react-native: 0.78.0

My iOS challenge already has:

  • background location monitoring allow
  • information.plist with:
    • NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription
    • NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription
    • NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription

On simulator, app settings:

  • Location monitoring set to All the time enable
  • Checked on Maps app and the blue dot is transferring.

Please discover code under


#import "generated/RNMyLocationTrackingSpec/RNMyLocationTrackingSpec.h"

@interface MyLocationTracking : NativeMyLocationTrackingSpecBase 




#import "MyLocationTracking.h"
#import "MyLocationTracking-Swift.h"

@implementation MyLocationTracking

- (void)setInfo:(nonnull NSString *)baseURL token:(nonnull NSString *)token pushGPSInterval:(double)pushGPSInterval pushGPSDistance:(double)pushGPSDistance integrationId:(nonnull NSString *)integrationId {
  MyLocationTrackingImpl *swiftInstance = [MyLocationTrackingImpl shared];
  [swiftInstance setInfo:baseURL
                callback:^(NSDictionary *locationData) {
    [self emitOnLocationChanged:locationData];

- (nonnull NSNumber *)isProviderEnabled {
  return @1;

- (nonnull NSNumber *)isServiceRunning {
  return @1;

- (void)startWatchLocation {
  [[MyLocationTrackingImpl shared] startWatchLocation];

- (void)stopWatchLocation {
  [[MyLocationTrackingImpl shared] stopWatchLocation];

- (void)updateIntegrationId:(nonnull NSString *)integrationId {
  [[MyLocationTrackingImpl shared] updateIntegrationId:integrationId];

- (std::shared_ptr<:react::turbomodule>)getTurboModule:
(const fb::react::ObjCTurboModule::InitParams &)params
  return std::make_shared<:react::nativemylocationtrackingspecjsi>(params);


MyLocationTrackingImpl.swift: That is working as a bridge to attach the core Location Monitoring with the Goal C

import Basis

public class MyLocationTrackingImpl: NSObject {
  personal let myLocationTrackingCore = MyLocationTrackingCore()

  // Singleton occasion
  @objc public static let shared = MyLocationTrackingImpl()
  // Personal initializer to implement singleton
  personal override init() {
    print("=== MySingleton initialized! ===") 
  @objc public func setInfo(_ baseURL: String, rnToken token: String, rnPushGPSInterval pushGPSInterval: Double, rnPushGPSDistance pushGPSDistance: Double, rnIntegrationId integrationId: String, callback: @escaping ([String: Any]) -> Void) {
    myLocationTrackingCore.setInfo(baseURL, rnToken: token, rnPushGPSInterval: pushGPSInterval, rnPushGPSDistance: pushGPSDistance, rnIntegrationId: integrationId, callback: callback)

  @objc public func startWatchLocation() {
  @objc public func stopWatchLocation() {
  @objc public func updateIntegrationId(_ integrationId: String) {
    print("Up to date Integration ID: (integrationId)");


import Basis
import CoreLocation

class MyLocationTrackingCore: NSObject, CLLocationManagerDelegate {
  var locationManager : CLLocationManager = CLLocationManager()
  var BASE_URL : String = ""
  var token : String = ""
  var pushGPSInterval : Double = 10_000
  var pushGPSDistance : Double = 0
  var integrationId : String = "{}"
  var pushGPSTimer: Date = Date()
  var locationCallback: (([String: Any]) -> Void)?
  func setInfo(_ baseURL: String, rnToken token: String, rnPushGPSInterval pushGPSInterval: Double, rnPushGPSDistance pushGPSDistance: Double, rnIntegrationId integrationId: String, callback: @escaping ([String: Any]) -> Void) {
    print("= Initializing....");
    self.BASE_URL = baseURL
    self.token = token
    self.integrationId = integrationId
    // The minTime is in millisecond, right here we'd like second
    self.pushGPSInterval = (pushGPSInterval == 0 ? 10_000 : pushGPSInterval) / 1_000
    self.pushGPSDistance = pushGPSDistance < 0 ? 0 : pushGPSDistance
    // Callback
    self.locationCallback = callback
    print("Base url         : (self.BASE_URL)");
    print("token            : (self.token)");
    print("integrationId    : (self.integrationId)");
    print("pushGPSInterval  : (self.pushGPSInterval)");
    print("pushGPSDistance  : (self.pushGPSDistance)");
    print("set off callback :");
    // Callback: strive ship information
    if let locationCallback = self.locationCallback {
      let newLocationData: [String: Any] = [
        "lat": 37.7859,
        "lng": -122.4364,
        "alt": 15.0,
        "spd": 6.0,
        "course": 45.0
      print("- Location Callback triggered")
    } else {
      print("= Location Callback is nil")
    // Init Location Supervisor
    self.locationManager.delegate = self
    self.locationManager.distanceFilter = self.pushGPSDistance
    self.locationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBestForNavigation
    self.locationManager.allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates = true
    self.locationManager.pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically = false
    self.locationManager.activityType = .automotiveNavigation
    print("= Initialized");
  func startWatchLocation() {
    if CLLocationManager.locationServicesEnabled() {
      self.pushGPSTimer = Date().addingTimeInterval(0)
      print("Begin location Location");
  func stopWatchLocation() {
    if CLLocationManager.locationServicesEnabled() {
      self.locationManager.delegate = nil
      print("Cease location monitoring")
  func locationManager(
    _ supervisor: CLLocationManager,
    didUpdateLocations areas: [CLLocation]
  ) {
    if let userLocation = areas.final {
      let latitude = String(userLocation.coordinate.latitude)
      let longitude = String(userLocation.coordinate.longitude)
      let altitude = String(userLocation.altitude)
      let pace = String(userLocation.pace)
      let course = String(userLocation.course)
      print("consumer latitude = (latitude)")
      print("consumer longitude = (longitude)")
      print("consumer altitude = (altitude)")
      print("consumer pace = (pace)")
      print("consumer course = (course)")
    } else {
      print("No legitimate location information acquired")
  func locationManager(
    _ supervisor: CLLocationManager,
    didFailWithError error: Error
  ) {
    print("Error = (error)")

For the time being, the lib can:

  • Name Swift’s methodology from Goal-C appropriately.
  • when startWatchLocation in MyLocationTrackingCore.swift execute, there’s a location monitoring icon on the highest left of iOS simulator
  • when stopWatchLocation in MyLocationTrackingCore.swift execute, the icon is gone

The problem is:

  • func locationManager: didUpdateLocations and didFailWithError usually are not triggered, no print methodology is executed.

Please let me know if in case you have any concepts about why the didUpdateLocations and didFailWithError usually are not triggered.

For those who want any data, please additionally let me know.

Many thanks, guys!

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