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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

ios – CHHapticAdvancedPatternPlayer not working with GCController

I work with my IOS challenge and attempt to ship haptics to ps4 controller.

CHHapticPatternPlayer and CHHapticAdvancedPatternPlayer good work with iPhone.

On PS4 controller If I take advantage of CHHapticPatternPlayer all work good, but when I take advantage of CHHapticAdvancedPatternPlayer I get error. I need use CHHapticAdvancedPatternPlayer to make use of extra settings. I do not discovered any data the right way to repair it –

        CHHapticEngine.mm:624   -[CHHapticEngine finishInit:]_block_invoke: ERROR: Server connection broke with error 'Не удалось завершить операцию. (com.apple.CoreHaptics, ошибка -4811)'
The engine stopped as a result of a system error occurred.
        AVHapticClient.mm:1228  -[AVHapticClient getSyncDelegateForMethod:errorHandler:]_block_invoke: ERROR: Sync XPC name for 'loadAndPrepareHapticSequenceFromEvents:reply:' (shopper ID 0x21) failed: Не удалось установить связь с приложением-помощником.
Не удалось создать или воспроизвести паттерн: Error Area=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 "connection to service with pid 5087 named com.apple.GameController.gamecontrollerd.haptics" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=connection to service with pid 5087 named com.apple.GameController.gamecontrollerd.haptics}

My Haptic class –

import Basis
import CoreHaptics
import GameController

protocol HapticsControllerDelegate: AnyObject {
    func didConnectController()
    func didDisconnectController()
    func enginePlayerStart(worth: Bool)

remaining class HapticsControllerManager {
    static let shared = HapticsControllerManager()
    personal var isSetup = false
    personal var hapticEngine: CHHapticEngine?
    personal var hapticPlayer: CHHapticAdvancedPatternPlayer?
    weak var delegate: HapticsControllerDelegate? {
        didSet {
            if delegate != nil {
    deinit {
    personal func startObserving() {
        guard !isSetup else { return }
            selector: #selector(controllerDidConnect),
            identify: .GCControllerDidConnect,
            object: nil
            selector: #selector(controllerDidDisconnect),
            identify: .GCControllerDidDisconnect,
            object: nil
        isSetup = true
    @objc personal func controllerDidConnect(notification: Notification) {
    @objc personal func controllerDidDisconnect(notification: Notification) {
        hapticEngine = nil
        hapticPlayer = nil

    personal func createAndStartHapticEngine() {

        guard let controller = GCController.controllers().first else {
            print("No controller linked")
        guard controller.haptics != nil else {
            print("Haptics not supported on this controller")
        hapticEngine = createEngine(for: controller, locality: .default)
        hapticEngine?.playsHapticsOnly = true
        do {
            attempt hapticEngine?.begin()
        } catch {
            print("Failed to begin haptic suggestions engine: (error)")
    personal func createEngine(for controller: GCController, locality: GCHapticsLocality) -> CHHapticEngine? {
        guard let engine = controller.haptics?.createEngine(withLocality: locality) else {
            print("Did not create engine.")
            return nil
        print("Efficiently created engine.")
        engine.stoppedHandler = { motive in
            print("The engine stopped as a result of (motive.message)")
        engine.resetHandler = {
            print("The engine reset --> Restarting now!")
            do {
                attempt engine.begin()
            } catch {
                print("Did not restart the engine: (error)")
        return engine

    func startHapticFeedback(haptics: [CHHapticEvent]) {
        do {
            let sample = attempt CHHapticPattern(occasions: haptics, parameters: [])
            hapticPlayer = attempt hapticEngine?.makeAdvancedPlayer(with: sample)
            hapticPlayer?.loopEnabled = true
            attempt hapticPlayer?.begin(atTime: 0)
            self.delegate?.enginePlayerStart(worth: true)
        } catch {
            self.delegate?.enginePlayerStart(worth: false)
            print("Did not create or play sample: (error)")

    func stopHapticFeedback() {
        do {
            attempt hapticPlayer?.cease(atTime: 0)
            self.delegate?.enginePlayerStart(worth: false)
        } catch {
            self.delegate?.enginePlayerStart(worth: true)
            print("Couldn't cease vibration playback: (error)")

extension CHHapticEngine.StoppedReason {
    var message: String {
        swap self {
        case .audioSessionInterrupt:
            return "the audio session was interrupted."
        case .applicationSuspended:
            return "the applying was suspended."
        case .idleTimeout:
            return "an idle timeout occurred."
        case .systemError:
            return "a system error occurred."
        case .notifyWhenFinished:
            return "playback completed."
        case .engineDestroyed:
            return "the engine was destroyed."
        case .gameControllerDisconnect:
            return "the sport controller disconnected."
        @unknown default:
            return "an unknown error occurred."

customized haptic occasion –

    static func changeVibrationPower(energy: HapricPower) -> [CHHapticEvent] {
        let continuousEvent = CHHapticEvent(eventType: .hapticContinuous, parameters: [
            CHHapticEventParameter(parameterID: .hapticSharpness, value: 1.0),
            CHHapticEventParameter(parameterID: .hapticIntensity, value: power.value)
        ], relativeTime: 0, period: 0.5)
        return [continuousEvent]

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